
lovely weekend show

The show I was in this weekend was a little different than expected- much more low key than the super-busy, very crowded art shows with row after row of artist booths...but in a lot of ways, that meant it was a perfect first taste of the whole art show world for me. People trickled into our space steadily all day as they toured artist studios througout the town. Because there was never a huge crush of people, I actually managed to have several really lovely chats with those that stopped at my booth. It was wonderful to have so many positive reactions to my work and the mix of familiar friends with new visitors was perfect.

My booth space was so fun- my amazing husband constructed these four wall panels to hinge together and fold like a folding screen- they made a really nice little space for my hanging work:

The other edge of my space was defined by a table set up with sincerely handmade products:

This marked the official launch of the line, and it was a huge, huge success. I was so thrilled that people responded to the things I'd put together- it's such fun when I see someone crack a smile over a quirky little notecard that I wasn't sure would appeal to others as much as it appealed to me!

I'll be opening an actual etsy shop for sincerely handmade in the coming week or so...I've got a little 'administrative' work to take care of before it's ready- but I promise, you'll be the first to know when it's up and running.

Thanks so much to everyone that came out this weekend- it was so nice to visit with you, and your support of my work means the world to me. 


Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness! I am so excited and pleased for you! When you open your etsy shop, let us know. I want to make you a favorite!

I am in a Studio tour this upcoming weekend. I hope my space looks as good as yours!

Gloria Freshley Art and Design said...

Hi Megan, Kudos to you and your husband -- your space looks fabulous! Very much like a gallery. Congrats on makiong it all come together. Looking forward to seeing your work on Etsy! Best...Gloria

Jenny said...

Hi Megan! What wonderful news about your etsy shop and I'm delighted (but not in the least surprised!!) at your successful show! Your artwork looks GREAT! Can't wait to see your shop :) (hope you post internationally!)
ps. I have only just discovered that lovely comment you left weeks ago on my "to the sea" painting!! Thankyou sooo much for your wonderfully kind words. You have made my day! :)xx