
two new pieces

Just a quick post to show you the finished pieces I'd shown in progress in my last post:

I'm still loving the images in an old birding book I found in January, and am liking the simpler composition they tend to generate.

It had been a while since I last used any diagrams from my vintage Boy Scouts Handbook. I've also been trying to exercise more lately...which I don't totally love doing- so it was fun to make a silly painting featuring these killer arm circles.

Time to grab the kids from school- see you in March!


spit happens

Ok, firstly: sorry for the dorky title to this post.

Secondly: Thank you guys, so much- for your encouraging and heartwarming responses to my last post...it was so nice to hear from you. We are past (for the moment) yelling at five year olds. We are still wondering about weird medical questions. We are still letting it all unfold...boy- being human is humbling, isn't it?

But enough about that- I have better stuff to share today. I am breaking from the norm, and sharing more about my family. I figure that if my introduction to my 5-year old was focused on his frustrating-ness, he deserved a second shot at making a first impression. So I thought I'd share these words of wisdom I found he had meticulously penned (penciled), illustrated and cut out at the kitchen table a few nights ago:

Can you read that? Spit is posibel (sic) to get on your face from your own mouth. Above, we see a person demonstrating: ptthbilet.

What do we say about this gem? Personally, I find it brilliant and think his penmanship is wonderful. He assured me that it is indeed a fact. I assure you, that this work is a perfect example of Zachary's Zachary-ness, so you can consider yourself properly introduced!


And though I've been quiet on the blog-front this month, I wanted to also let you know that I've got a few new pieces brewing:

I'll be back next week with shot of them completed...I always love seeing how they change.



I have to admit to being a little ~in limbo~ at the moment. Had a rough start to the day- loud yelling at a frustrating 5-year old, coupled with worrisome medical concerns about someone I love. In short: some things within my control were not handled well, and some things outside of my control are making me sit tight until I have more information. It's all just reminding me that I need to take deep breaths and trust in my ability to at least take deep breaths. I'm being patient...and thinking about how sometimes things just have to unfold at their own pace.

The above painting is doing that. I've been working off of a truly happy, cheerful vibe this week- which is the feeling that started this piece, but even though the feeling I'm working from is strong and clear, this piece has been really slow and uncertain in its coming-together-ness! I've nearly given up a few times, but then I get a little jolt of inspiration- go back in the studio and add a few lines of an unexpected, but perfectly right color, and re-commit to let it keep unfolding.

I guess that's just what I'm doing today: committing to wait for the moments that let me know that however unclear the process- I've got to trust that we're all going to get to where we're going. I realize that I think less and less that life is about controlling your own journey- and more that it's about keeping your eyes wide open and your breath steady while you're on it.